1-855-962-7325 (TTY: 711)
8 a.m. — 8 p.m., 7 days a week

Welcome to Peak Advantage

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Gain 24/7 access to personalized health insights with MyPeak! Our members-only web portal offers easy-to-use online tools for managing your benefits, viewing claim statements, and accessing important resources.

Don’t forget to schedule your annual wellness visit as soon as possible.

At this important checkup, you and your primary care doctor may discuss:

  • Your physical and emotional health in the past year
  • Ways to improve your health and well-being, if applicable
  • Recommended health screenings

Complete your HRA every year or with changes in your health status. Remember to share a copy with your doctor because this gives a snapshot of your overall health and any health issues you may want to discuss.

Understanding your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

Peak Health provides Explanations of Benefits (EOBs) for your Peak Advantage Medicare Advantage plan. EOBs show how medical claims were processed by your plan. Compare the provider bills you get with your EOB to ensure all services and amounts are accurate.

Click here to walk you through the key parts of your EOB including claims totals/plan at a glance, claims details, and more.